Communicating in difficult times

By October 20, 2010Uncategorized

Over the coming days lots of things will be written about the Government’s Spending Review, so this comment will be quite brief.

Whatever one thinks of it, many public and third sector bodies are going to have to communicate to a wide range of audiences as to nature of the likely changes that will come.

Different people will react to those changes in different ways. Some will see it as something that does not directly affect them,  some will see opportunities, whilst some will see it as a direct threat or something to be feared. Often this will be driven by the values they hold.

The days of communicating to just one of these audiences are over. Organisations will need to communicate to them all with a multi-segmented approach. I therefore refer to my earlier posting on the subject here. I think it is even more relevant now.

Charlie Mansell is Research and Development Officer at The Campaign Company.

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